Blog is another good way of sharing anything you know. You can write about any topic you like under the sun and let others read it. It could be a story of your own, a fact or opinion and if someone happens to like what you have written, then that person would follow your blog and could comment and share any suggestion on how you could improve your blog. You could say that it is somewhat the same as twitter that you could make friends with but the difference is that you write about a particular topic and when someone else shares the same interest then you two or even as a group can exchange ideas about the topic. Blogging could help boost your writing skills, especially if you really like to write.
Some may be wondering what is a blog? Even I at first don't know what a blog is until we were given the task to make our own blog for our subject Clinical Chemistry. If I were to ask, before even doing my blog, I was nervous on how I could start because doing my own "blogspot" which will eventually be my own website is not really my specialty since I am not too fond of it. In fact, what I only use computer for is for research, watching videos or listening and downloading music and even facebook and that's it. But when I started doing it, I got a little excited especially when I knew that I could change the themes and I could download my own. There were even a lot to choose from and I can't even decide right away.
Like I said before, a blog is actually about anything that you would want to write, you can open up anything you want from the problems of the country, your own love life, on what was the feeling of jumping of from a plane (sky diving, I mean lol) or even your most embarrassing moments if it's okay for others to read it, or any facts that you would want to share like how effective medicinal herbs are and the like or even your religious beliefs. It could be like a documentary or an educational spot where people can learn upon visiting and reading. Take our class' blog for an example, we wrote something about one topic and every person wrote it in his/her own unique way including how they presented the idea. Doing a blog works not only your writing skills but also your creativeness. It could also tempt you to research more about the topic you are interested in so you could gain more knowledge about the topic and so that you could write more, this way there will be additional information that what you've already known. You could even insert pictures or videos as you like so the readers can easily get what you mean or for designs and entertainment.
Making a blog is really easy and fun to do. All you have to do is just look up for a them that you want then think of what topic you want to write then you could add pictures or videos as you want even how much you want. It is actually a site where you could learn, teach or share information. If you are a first timer and don't have any background on how to make your own blog, you can always ask someone or even search for a blog where steps on how you could make a blog is being discussed or if you prefer to see how it is made, you could always search the all famous youtube.
What are you waiting for? If there is a story you would want to share then you could always write it on your blog. A story of your life, a recent poem or novel you have written your self or even a song you have composed, no matter what it is, as long as you let out your idea, is fine. Blog could work on most ways, may be educational and sometimes you could earn just from doing a blog. It is nice to share what you think about a topic and let someone else know about it or an experience that the reader could feel like he/she is part of it. It is like making connection to other people just like what authors do when writing their book, they make the story as if the reader is being part of the world the author wants to portray. You could also be a teacher yourself, giving important facts that could help anyone. As long as it is something you enjoy and remember that there's no one there to stop you. I hope all of you are learned too when you read this . Thank you and God bless..